
Glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases that cause permanent peripheral vision loss and ultimately blindness. It is typically a result of high eye pressure damaging the optic nerve, which is the connection between the eye and the brain. Glaucoma is often considered the silent thief of sight because in the early stages, it has no noticeable symptoms.

Certain factors stand out when considering who may be at greater risk of developing the condition. Although these factors put more risk on a particular group for developing the disease, it does not indicate that they will develop it for sure, nor does it clear you from the condition if you do not have any of these risk factors.

  • Family History of Glaucoma
  • Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Thin Corneas
  • Other: eye trauma, uncontrolled diabetes, steroid use

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. Much of this blindness is preventable. Early detection is key and annual eye exams can catch early signs of glaucoma. Give our office a call at 512-869-8821 to schedule your comprehensive exam, which includes a glaucoma screening.